hard drive history

size still matters: is there ever enough?

Quantum Bigfoot CY 2.1 & 4.3

Photo: Red Hill.

Quantum Bigfoot CY

The Bigfoot CY family replaced the original Bigfoot drives, not that there was much to notice apart from the increased capacities.

Seek time was down to 12ms, which was creditable for a big 5¼ inch drive but as slow as any drive on the market at that time, and in practice slower still because of the extra latency of a 3600 RPM drive.

Illustration: Bigfoot CY 2.1 and 4.3. Notice the greater height of the three head drive. Why not just use the larger casing for everything? It is hard to imagine that the marginal saving on materials could have justifed the complication of having two different casings.

Performance0.87Reliabilityno data
Data rate92 Mbit/secSpin rate3600 RPM
Seek time12msBuffer128k
Platter capacity2GBEncodingPRML
Form5¼ quarter or third heightInterfaceATA-33
CY 2.12.1GB2 MR heads
CY 4.34.3GB3 MR heads
CY 6.46.4GB4 MR heads